Friend of Autism Foundation

تهران، شیخ بهایی شمالی، خیابان شهانقی، پلاک ۴۱
تلفن : ۸۸۶۰۳۴۵۴-۰۲۱
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Facts about Autism Spectrum Disorder

Facts about Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism is a Neuro-developmental and lifelong disorder whose symptoms are usually diagnosed in early childhood.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a disorder characterized by Difficulties in social communication differences, including verbal and nonverbal communication; Deficits in social interactions and restricted, repetitive behavior patterns, interests or activities, and sensory problems.
All people of any race and social class may have a person with autism disorder in their surroundings. There is no clear-cut cause of ASD, but we should not ignore the role of gender and family relations in causing autism spectrum disorder. According to statistics, autism is four times more common in boys than in girls. Each person with autism Spectrum disorder has a set of strengths and weaknesses. Every child and adult with autism is unique. For this reason, the treatment plan is individualized to meet specific needs.

Autism and Nutrition

Autism and Nutrition

The increasing prevalence of autism spectrum disorder has become a concern in the medical community. Researchers have turned their attention to the causes of this disorder. Early identification of clinical changes such as weight changes and applying non-invasive strategies to improve nutritional status is suitable to enhance growth and protect against possible risks.

Communication in children with Autism

Communication in children with Autism

Communication is the transmission of messages from one person to another. The first step to establishing positive communication is understanding the different aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication and the essential roles in interacting with others. Verbal communication development is an important part of any child’s overall development. This capability enables the child to communicate, express, and understand feelings. Language skills usually develop very quickly in the first three years of life. However, this speed is not the same in all children. In children with autism, the rate and manner of their language development are fundamentally different from others without the disorder.

In this booklet, we will learn the concept of communication, the communication problems of autistic children, and educational and therapeutic interventions that parents can take.

PICA booklet


Pica is an eating disorder in which a person eats things not usually considered food. Parents’ methods may not solve autistic children’s eating problems. Sometimes the cause of this is the ongoing medical and sensory problems, which causes the continuation of the situation in children with Autism.
Also, examining the problems with medical tests can show you whether your child needs certain substances that caused him to PICA or not.
All professionals, educators, parents, and caregivers of children with Autism must have information about PICAto apply the necessary care.
Specific skills can help parents reduce or eliminate PICA in their children.

Grandparents' guide to Autism

Grandparents’ guide to Autism

Grandparents often believe that a grandchild is one of the greatest gifts in their lives, and it doesn’t matter if this grandchild is different from others. But the diagnosis of Autism is a shocking and unpredictable event in people’s lives. They may not even have heard of a disorder they don’t know.
This booklet is a guide for these dear grandparents.

Elopement and Autism booklet

Elopement and Autism

Elopement is one of the most common behavioral problems of people with Autism spectrum disorder. Considering the increasing prevalence of autism and the potential dangers that Elopement can have, it is essential to increase society’s awareness of it. There are many companies and public organizations that families can join and use the available tools to monitor their child or inform these organizations if their child is lost. This possibility does not exist in Iran. Therefore, this booklet helps families with autism to become familiar with Elopement, the concept of its causes, and the solutions they should.

کمپین دوست اوتیسم
Financial support for the education of children with Autism
We are friends of autism