Friend of Autism Foundation

تهران، شیخ بهایی شمالی، خیابان شهانقی، پلاک ۴۱
تلفن : ۸۸۶۰۳۴۵۴-۰۲۱
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How to educate an autistic child?

How to educate an autistic child?

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that has different levels, appears in the first three years of life, and still has no known cause.
The importance of writing an educational program for children on the autism spectrum is because, until now, there is no coherent program with the examination of each skill for educators, experts, professionals, and even families.
The lack of access to an educational program causes educators to repeat the previous activities after a period of working with the child.
Although repetition is necessary to consolidate learned skills, teaching must take steps forward for the child to progress.
According to their birth certificate age, children with autism spectrum disorder are behind the developmental norms. Compared with their peers, the child’s skills can be improved by teaching different skills from childhood and after diagnosis. He can reach Independence and improved life.

Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

By Ellen Notbohm
A child’s voice leads into each chapter, offering a one-of-a-kind exploration into how ten core characteristics of autism affect our children’s perceptions and reactions to the surrounding physical, sensory and social environments. This revised and updated third edition sharpens the focus on these basic aspects while expanding on how our own perspectives shape the life of our child and ourselves, today, tomorrow, and for years to come. An all-new section illuminates the surprising breadth of our power of choice and outlines potent strategies for strong decision-making in every situation.

Uniquely Human

Uniquely Human

Dr. Prizant’s respect for his work with individuals with autism and their families is evident on every page of this valuable book, enabling him to tell the story of autism in a deeply personal way that is both inspiring and informative.
These fun, real examples throughout the book both shed light on the experience of autism from the inside out and show that it is unwise to look at behaviors without regard to the motivation behind them. .
Many people have introduced this book as a different and influential work. Dr. Prizant is a clinical science expert who has written his experiences in this book in an intimate and attractive way.
In this book, he has moved us away from a traditional and fixed mentality of autism and leads us to a comprehensive view that includes exploring the world of this spectrum and meeting the needs of people. Reading this book is highly recommended for professionals, parents and researchers.

Communication in children with Autism

Communication in children with Autism

Communication is the transmission of messages from one person to another. The first step to establishing positive communication is understanding the different aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication and the essential roles in interacting with others. Verbal communication development is an important part of any child’s overall development. This capability enables the child to communicate, express, and understand feelings. Language skills usually develop very quickly in the first three years of life. However, this speed is not the same in all children. In children with autism, the rate and manner of their language development are fundamentally different from others without the disorder.

In this booklet, we will learn the concept of communication, the communication problems of autistic children, and educational and therapeutic interventions that parents can take.

کمپین دوست اوتیسم
Financial support for the education of children with Autism
We are friends of autism